A cover image for a product called Principles. The image features iPhone wallpapers with beautiful background photos overlaid with simple life principle quotes.



Principles is a pack of 22 premium, HD smartphone wallpapers featuring beautiful background images of space, nature and urban life overlaid with simple, powerful life principles.

The wallpapers are built on a 19.5:9 aspect ratio, which is common among modern smartphones, so they will scale well across most devices (iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel).

Download includes a high-quality PNG file for each wallpaper, and the Principles Figma file for customizing the wallpapers with your own favorite principles and quotes.

People check their smartphones 96 times per day, on average.

For better or worse, modern humans spend a lot of time glued to their phones.

For me and many others, it has become a reflex. You pull out your smartphone and tap your screen, over and over again throughout the day - to check the time, to check for notifications, sometimes to check for nothing in particular at all.

We should work on managing our relationships with our phones. Turns out, having a mini supercomputer connected to all the world's knowledge and billions of people across the globe in your pocket at all times can lead to compulsive behaviors. It is wise to keep healthy boundaries between you and your devices. Nonetheless, most of us will still find ourselves tapping our screens and spending lots of time in our phones on a daily basis.

This is why I created Principles.

The wallpaper of your phone inevitably ingrains itself into your subconscious. All that phone checking sears the contents of your screen into your visual cortex. Given this, you should make sure to have an uplifting image with a powerful message on your phone's wallpaper to keep yourself focused, inspired and energized. Every time you tap that screen, you should feed your mind a dose of beauty and a powerful reminder of how to live an honorable life.

Principles features awe inspiring photos of our galaxy, mountains, forests, cities and oceans, and each of the 22 wallpapers is overlaid with a life principle. These are principles that I have personally curated through my life experiences over many years. They are principles that I firmly live by and believe to be empowering, universal and full of truth.

An image for a product called Principles. The image features iPhone wallpapers with beautiful background photos overlaid with simple life principle quotes. An image for a product called Principles. The image features iPhone wallpapers with beautiful background photos overlaid with simple life principle quotes. An image for a product called Principles. The image features iPhone wallpapers with beautiful background photos overlaid with simple life principle quotes. An image for a product called Principles. The image features iPhone wallpapers with beautiful background photos overlaid with simple life principle quotes. An image for a product called Principles. The image features iPhone wallpapers with beautiful background photos overlaid with simple life principle quotes. An image for a product called Principles. The image features iPhone wallpapers with beautiful background photos overlaid with simple life principle quotes. An image for a product called Principles. The image features iPhone wallpapers with beautiful background photos overlaid with simple life principle quotes. An image for a product called Principles. The image features iPhone wallpapers with beautiful background photos overlaid with simple life principle quotes.